January 3, 2011

Where's April?

I love all the torn up wrapping on Christmas morning. If I were a child again, I would definitely make a junmp into the pile. I might injure myself if I tried today. But as you can see, April likes the wrapping. Hope it brings you a smile. Have a super day!

January 2, 2011

Marriage of the Minds: Reproduction Cross Stitch Project for 2011

Happy New Year! As always the new year comes with resolutions - ones I seem to make and break every year. But this year I have made a change. My resolution is one that brings me enjoyment - cross stitch. I have resolved to complete The Drawn Thread's Marriage of the Minds by the end of 2011. I spent several hours on 1.11.11 with my 'resolution'. I'm quite pleased with the progress. However, I must say that my choice of linen will make this a challenge. I had forgotten that my 40-something eyes do not take we to 40-count linen. But alas, my cheater glasses are at hand.

The project is being stitched on 40-count Navy Bean with 100% silk thread. Yes - I am a silk snob. Nothing better than silk on linen. But I can't take all the credit for my silk choices. A big thanks to my friend Kim for the silks. Several years ago, Kim completed Marriage of the Mind and was so kind as to pass along her leftover silks. A quick internet order to obtain the remaining skeins needed and I am prepared.

Check back to see how the project is progressing.