May 17, 2010

T-Shirt Quilts for Graduation

This month's project is a Memory Quilt made from t-shirts.  A friend's son is graduating from High School this month, and I volunteered my services.   My friend has gathered 30+ t-shirts, of which we are using backs and  fronts to make the blocks.  It is going to be quite a large quilt.  Egads! The last block has been cut and have lightweight interfacing attached to eliminate stretch.  They are cut 12 1/2" blocks (for 12" finished).   Tomorrow a few of us are gathering to do the layout.

Following the layout session, I went to work putting the blocks and sashing together.  I put the pedal to the medal and zoom zoom zoom I had the quilt together.  I ended up with a larger outer border than planned as the piecing we added was larger than the original 4" border. 

The quilt top, batting and backing are now sandwiched and I am working on the quilting.  Finished photos to be posted shortly.

Congratulations 2010 Graduates!